December 20, 2023
You can now see a list of the top entities, addresses and balances for any tag on Arkham.
Tag pages show a list of the top entities for any tag placed on an entity/address by our team. Reminder: Tags are descriptions about an addresses’ past activities. They’re the brief phrases like ‘Fund’, ‘Uniswap Pool Deployer’ or ‘Early AAVE Holder’ found on Arkham profile pages.
Click on a tag to enter its associated tag page. There you’ll see a list of the top entities affiliated with that tag, sorted by largest Balance in USD.
Once you’re on a Tag page, you can also see other tags associated with any entity - simply check the All Tags column or hover over the blue filter to see all of the other tags associated with that entity.
Head over to any entity on Arkham, click on a tag & check out its tag page today.